Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Back in the US of A

Friends, family, and total strangers,
Please accept our apologies for this random and strange update. It has been a couple of crazy weeks since we have written and sadly we don't have a ton of great news on the visa end.
The first week of December we spent zooming around Thailand on a little scooter being told repeatedly 'no' by various consulates when it came to renewing Ian's business visa. Luckily Thailand was so beautiful, and the local IJM office so friendly that it was far too difficult to stay upset over a seemingly pointless trip.
So what IS one to DO when in Thailand and nothing seems to go quite right? I'll tell you. Eat lots of street food, stumble upon waterfalls, and ride elephants. Now you know in case you ever find yourself between a rock and a hard place and randomly in Thailand.
Sadly our visa charades have come to very little except more bad news, which is prompting us both to re-apply for visas and hope for the best. In order to do so we had to cancel our flights back to our post in South Asia and make an unexpected trip back to the 'motherland' of the US of A. We've spent the last week trying to figure out what needs to be done, who needs to go where, and how on earth to try to deal with all of our business and issues that are still in South Asia.
I'd like to say that we are generally at peace with this upheaval, and most moments we are handling it well. But the moments when 'what we are missing' or 'why are we here' strike, things can look a little bleak. I am trying not to look at this as a massive disappointment but it is difficult. Another road block... another day not working... another issue with our apartment or bills in S. Asia. It's a bit of a mess and a lot of international calling. Still, we have been reminded in many ways that every closed door is an opportunity. Every problem and detour presents an adventure, and at least this time every impossible visa request means a holiday with friends and family.
I'm still disappointed to have to give this update, and I was hoping by this time this week (one week since we have arrived in the US) that I would be able to give you all a functional update of when we would be able to return, but I am not able. We do want all of the wonderful folks who have supported us and loved on us during this process to know that we aren't going to give up so easily. We still have some good fight left in us and we plan to go forward unhindered by whatever problems are thrown at us trusting that there is a reason for the journey.
Our apologies for this late update, and we will update once again when we have some news or perhaps before that with a couple pictures :)
Many fond Christmas wishes!


  1. We love you guys! - The End - ;-)

    well okay, not really the end;-) please know that we are praying for you guys each step of the way on this crazy ride. I know it is not at all what you planned or expected and it's hard to see what the point and the outcomes will be...but through all of it, our prayer is that your spirits won't be crushed and your course not derailed, whatever the new variation of it might look like. We love you guys and in a way, can't wait to see what God does now...

    Love, Kacey and Cameron

  2. Praying for y'all! Hope you have a great Christmas with your families in the midst of the chaos!

  3. wha wha?
    that's crazy guys...
    are you back in the midwest?
    gonna be in dc at all?

  4. How frustrating for you! Bureaucracy abroad can be a nightmare. We definitely had our fair share of that in Italy. A few months into our year there, we had to go to San Francisco to get exchange our tourist visa for a student visa. Fortunately, the school paid for our flights, we timed it to coincide with our Christmas visit, and we enjoyed a weekend in a great city. Glad you are able to see the bright side to this experience. Makes all the difference in the world. Enjoy your time with family -- and familiar surroundings -- and we'll be praying the Lord works out the logistics. Merry Christmas!

  5. I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow! I'm sorry it's been a frustrating week! We'll continue praying for you! Love you two!

  6. thanks for the update..praying for you guys. cool journey God is taking you on. Live it up and be sure to write down everything!! God is moving among you and His timing is perfect.

  7. Oh Shmoop! You have such a good attitude about all this. It reminds my of little orphan Annie's song, Tomorrow.

    I hope you have a lovely holiday season with your family. And I'll keep my fingers crossed that you have good news coming your way soon.

    Good luck!!!


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