Friday, September 11, 2009

Cross-country meadering

We're back in DC hanging out with friends and preparing to fly away on our big adventure. After a long train ride I'm glad to be sitting on a squishy couch doing a quick post!

(Fishing on Lake MI.. I'm on a boat!)
We've had a great past month visiting friends and family all over the mid-west. As usual, it is always very difficult to say goodbye. We're going to miss everyone so much, but hope that you all will keep in touch and let us know what is going on in your lives as you hear about what is going on in ours!

(getting in some paddling)
(At 'the bean' with the fam)
Besides our friends and family, we also said a (much less tear-filled) goodbye to over half of our closets. That may sound really silly, but living out of a suitcase (or hiking pack) is swiftly becoming our way of life, so simplifying is a necessity. It's good to figure out what we need and what we can do without. We get some mixed reactions when folks figure out that the things we actually use fit into four suitcases.. and honestly it challenges us a lot to think that we even have anything in storage when we have figured out how to problem solve without all of that other 'stuff.' This time though, we put our wardrobes through the 'cultural sensitivity' filter and had to bag two thirds of my clothing. Bummer. I guess it is time to get lessons in eastern modesty. should be fun :) I'm at very least looking forward to picking up a colorful scarf or two!
Looking forward to giving some updates from the other side of this big blue globe!
:) B
(Extra points if you can find us 5 times!)


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