Monday, August 17, 2009

Summer Days

Ian is finally done with the dreaded California bar exam and we have moved on to the greener pastures of Michigan in August! We've been having a great time hanging out with family and friends and getting a chance to get our collective 'ducks in a row' before heading back to DC and off to Asia.
Be on the lookout for our next update letter letting you know how our fundraising is going and different ways that you can help as we work to secure justice for those in bondage internationally!
I've already had some really interesting conversations with people here in the mid-west about how wide-spread the issues of human trafficking are. Many of the people I have conversations with are sincerely sad to hear about trafficking internationally, but do not realize that trafficking and slavery still exist in their own country... perhaps in their own town (here are some State reports that Ian helped research and put together a little while ago). I think we all have a lot to learn from one another and I am really excited to share what we have learned as well as hearing what is going on here.
We're hoping to have some sort of get-together or event within the next two weeks if you are in the North-western Michigan region and interested in hearing what we are up to. As for now, here's a little eye candy via our fancy-dancey cell phone camera (seriously am going to miss that thing).

Chef John's with Bekah's sisters and our friend Sean

Quintessential trip to House of Flavors!
Hanging out with the MCRC worship team (John tried to steal my phone..stinker)

Taking care of business at Redolencia Coffee

More updates to come!

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