Friday, July 31, 2009

Signs of faithfulness

God remains faithful to us even when we aren't faithful to him, and this past week seems to be a gleaming reminder to me of that fact. To be quite honest, this whole process leading up to our departure has been really tough already and I have found myself getting crabby for no apparent reason. I've come to think of these (ever seemingly increasing) moments where I get really angry and then get really humbled as part of the growing pains occurring in this process.
For example... when we were in the midst of licking and sticking all of our crazy envelopes and re-folding letters I had a moment where I did a little Shirley Temple hands-on-hips and said "God! Why haven't you been faithful to us in this process yet? We have put ourselves out on a limb because we think this is where you want us and nothing has happened yet!! Grrr! Throw me a bone here!"
Luckily for me, on numerous occasions when my spiritual immaturity is hanging out for all the world to see, God whispers back a reply instead of making me the kid who gets spanked in the super market (don't you try to tell me you haven't been around for that uncomfortable experience!). Almost immediately I felt my heart stop racing and my eyes open to realize I hadn't even mailed the letters and already God had provided me with a summer job, people who had already started giving towards our fund-raising goal, and friends with amazing hospitality who have been our rock this summer. Man, I felt dumb. I quickly got back to work as we zoomed all of those letters to the post office and waved good-bye sending them with a quick prayer thanking God for his faithfulness and asking for eyes to see his work more clearly.
I'd love to say that since then that our goal has been accomplished and we are good to go, but at the moment that is not the case yet. Still, the encouragement and love that has been all around us and the presence of a holy dream seems very tangible at important times. I am looking forward to looking back on these times and pointing back down the road saying "see.. God was and is faithful. He did it again and worked a miracle."
Thank you dear friends, for being the vehicles for God's faithfulness.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Project Update

We released a huge load of support letters into the wild of the USPS this week asking for God's providence and thanking him for his amazing faithfulness to us.
What a feeling! It's good to have those out in circulation, but it is also difficult to let those finally go after the work it takes to get them out the door! Many thanks to the people who helped make that happen and those who have already begun to support us through various means as we step forward to serve abroad. I wish I had gotten a picture of all those letters grouped and ready to go... but sadly i spaced. So.. just in case you have yet to get your letter... here's the front of our postcard for your browsing pleasure :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Welcome to our blog

Welcome! We'll be posting shortly. We're excited for you to join us on our journey!